What is a Factory Second (2nd)?

What is a Factory Second (2nd)?

At Lagun USA, we take great pride in quality.  Our high standards have provided excellent ratings, however, that means we also reject a lot of parts.  We have labeled these rejected parts as “Factory Seconds” & sell them at discounted pricing. Factory...
Which Bracket Option Should I Choose?

Which Bracket Option Should I Choose?

Which Bracket Option Should I Choose? The most important thing is bracket placement – as the system is only as stable as the bracket installation.  Deciding which leg style to use depends on where you mount the bracket.  Leg style selection plus picking the...
Which Lagun Table Leg System Do I Need?

Which Lagun Table Leg System Do I Need?

Decisions, decisions, decisions.  We’re often asked – which system do I need?  This is a tough question to answer since we don’t know the structure or reinforcement areas of every year/make/model or whether or not a previous owner has made modifications.  There isn’t...