What You Already Know About Lagun Table Systems

You probably know that Lagun table systems work great in vans, boats, RVs, campers and in other areas where a full table isn’t practical. In fact, popular places to install a Lagun table keep showing up online. You may not have realized just how creative you can be with your Lagun table leg system installation. Here are 3 examples of ways people are taking their Lagun table leg systems to another level.

3 Clever Uses for Lagun Table Systems You May Not Have Considered

1. Install 2 Brackets to Use the Same Tabletop for a Sitting or Standing Desk

Two Lagun table brackets installed at different heights give you a sitting or standing desktop with the same tabletop. When you want to use your table in a seated position, slide the leg off the higher bracket and into the lower bracket. When you need to stretch your legs, slide the system out of the lower bracket and slide the leg onto the upper bracket.

To do this, you will just need a second Lagun Bracket or Lagun Bracket with Hardware from our catalog. A little extra expense, and a little extra installation time opens up a lot more possibility with this high and low table mount installation.

Consider what would be comfortable for a taller or shorter user. You will want to make sure that the upper Lagun table mount leaves enough space to adjust as high or as low as you want your tabletop in the standing position. You may also need to consider that where a person would stand may be further forward than where a person would use the desk while seated.

You will also want to make sure that the lower Lagun table mount leaves enough space for the groove to adjust as high or low as you may want in the seated position. For some projects, you may want the tabletop just above your lap. For other uses, you might feel more comfortable with the tabletop chest-high. Remember, the slotted grove in the back of the Lagun table leg is your adjustment range. For any bracket installation, the standard or longer leg allow about 6 inches of room to raise or 6 inches of room to lower your tabletop.

PRO-TIP: The Double-handled Lagun Leg has a longer groove on the back of the leg for even more adjustability (6 inches up or 11 ½ inches down). Depending on bracket placement, you may be able to use one bracket with a double-handled leg instead.


2. Install a Lagun Table System Alongside a Counter for Additional Food Prep Space

In RVs, travel trailers and campers, you often find yourself wishing you had extra space for food preparation. One clever use of your Lagun table system is to install the bracket alongside your counter. When the Lagun leg and tabletop are in place, you get a couple more feet of counter space that can swivel out of the way if your tabletop is in front of a door or walkway. When you are done preparing food, slide the Lagun table leg out of the bracket and put it away or move it back over to another bracket.

PRO TIP: One counter height isn’t always perfect. You may like to carve meat at a regular counter height, but peel potatoes, carrots or fruits at chest height. If that sounds like you, you might install your Lagun bracket so it can be raised higher than the countertop.


3. Install Brackets Inside and Outside to Make Going from Indoor Table to the Grill Easier

We know several of you use a Lagun table leg system indoors for your other dining or serving spaces. You may not have considered that the same leg and tabletop could be quickly and easily moved outside of your RV or camper to have a tabletop near your grill or for serving food outside. Adding a second bracket installation is almost as handy as having multiple Lagun tables. With the second (or third) bracket, you are prepared for whatever the weather or other circumstances throw at you. To do this, simply order a second Lagun Bracket or Lagun Bracket with Hardware from the Lagun catalog. Remember that in order for your Lagun table to swivel, you won’t want to install the bracket flush with the interior or exterior wall. Shim your bracket installation out one inch to give your Lagun table system room to pivot as needed.


Where to Buy Your Lagun Table System

These are just three of the many ways people are using Lagun table systems to have table and desk space where they need it. You may have some clever ideas of your own that you’re ready to implement. The best place to buy your Lagun table system is from the LagunUSA.com website. When you buy directly from LagunUSA, you can be 100% certain you are getting an authentic Lagun product. Pieces are already assembled before the system is shipped to you. Nothing should be missing, and the remaining installation should be straightforward.

When you buy from other online outlets, there is a real risk that you could receive a knock-off or imitation of our Lagun products. Other manufacturers try to imitate Lagun table leg systems with a painted version, but without the years of perfecting the tolerances & durable materials, those imposters just aren’t made for longevity. Not to mention, the knockoff versions come with loose pieces (tap, bushings, handle/bolt) that you have to assemble yourself, leaving concern for missing parts. Visit the Lagun website today to order the real-deal Original Lagun Table System.